It really depends on what you're looking for. If you want to buy an army as cheaply as possible and get it painted and looking good on the tabletop in the shortest possible time, then it's Necrons all the way. The average warrior is expensive enough that even a 2,000 point army will be smaller numerically than almost any other army (with the possible exception of Deathwing). And painting is just a matter of "spray paint black, drybrush Boltgun Metal, add plastic rods".
On the other hand, there's a lot to be said for both the other two choices in terms of pure tactical opportunity.
The Tau have by far the deadliest ranged weapons in the game. A railgun will make mincemeat even of a Land Raider, and even the Shas'la's simple pulse rifle can outshoot damn near anything else you can name. Add in the stealthsuits and sniper drones and you've got a highly potent force - but don't over-estimate the battlesuits. They are best used as mobile fire-points, not as assault troops - unless you're attacking something small and squishy like Imperial Guard. Despite their bulk and size, their low numbers and low initiative make them easy prey even to a basic Space Marine tactical squad in the assault.
Eldar are a hugely popular army at the moment and it's easy to see why: good-looking, colourful and elite, they have a lot going for them. But they are terribly, terribly fragile and need careful handling and practice to make best use of them. Shuriken catapults should not, however, be underestimated. In sufficient numbers they can be deadly - especially in the hands of the Dire Avengers, who can use the Shuriken Storm special rule to double their shots!
It's worth noting, though, that 5th Edition is now on the horizon and the Eldar's "fleet of foot" is about to lose a lot of its strength when *all* infantry troops gain the "run" ability - which is exactly the same as Fleet, except that you can't Assault in the same turn.
If I were thinking of buying one of these three right now, I think I'd go with Tau. They fall somewhere between the Eldar and the Necrons in terms of both price and ease of painting, but they have a strong "cool" factor and some brilliant models. They also offer the widest range of tactical options (although assaulting should never be on the menu unless you have Kroot).
tyranids are the best at close combat. They can also move really far. i have a 3200 point tyranid army. red terror is also awesome he can swallow whole units in a go.
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Which is the best in Warhammer 40k (specifically tabletop game and not dawn of war): Tau, Necron, or Eldar?Here's my 2 cents.
If you want an army that will win more than it loses and you don't mind people saying your playing a "cheese" army then necrons are the way to go. In the current ruleset they are a terribly difficult army to beat.
If you want a very shooty army with some cool mech looking figures that can play well against most other armies then you want to use Tau. As the other guys said, don't get into melee unless you have to though.
If you are looking for a good range of shooting and combat (even if they are a bit squishy) then Eldar is the way to go. They have a great selection of troops and vehicles and what I consider to be one of the best tanks in the game...The fire prism.
On the cost front it all depends on what you use in your army lists. Usually you can get about 1500 points worth of army for around $300-400 dollars. I know for a fact though that if you go Tyranids and run alot of Monstrous creatures you can build your force for much less if your good at conversion work.
On a totally unrelated side, if you want to get rid of the marines and gfenestealers from your macragge set let e-mail me at and we can work out a trade or something. I'm converting all the normal marines I can dig up to use in my chaos marine army. and I never turn down a good deal on more genestealers for my tyranid army.
I just like Eldar as some of them can fly. Although an Orc hoard can be a lot of fun too. Just got to love stuff like a goblin cannon.Which is the best in Warhammer 40k (specifically tabletop game and not dawn of war): Tau, Necron, or Eldar?
Ok to answer the first part of your problem... there is no best army in 40k. Each army has its own strengths and weaknesses and they perform on how you balance your army lists, how you like to play and who your opponent is.
I've ran through a 1500 point tau army in 3 turns, twice in one day and lost less than a full squad in both games ( hard to beleive i know but him trying to deepstrike his commander in behind my dreadnought and scattering off the edge of the table board .... in both games.... didn't help his cause.)
I've also been beaten by a tau player as well and the have had wins and losses against eldar as well.
I will say though that goin for ease of use and the easyest to paint with i would probably recommend a necron army... watch your foes face as you deep strike a few monoliths into his lines... and his units have to move out of the way when you teleport in.... works especially well on guard - each mono has d6 shots at each squad within 12 inches ( thats 12 inches of each of its gauss flux arcs and thats going from around the edge of the model so your looking at an area close to 30 inches around and then theres the particle whip.... st9 ap3 ord blast...... then times all of that by 2 if you use 2 of them.....
In respect to the price side of things i don't think you will save much money going with any one army but i highly reccomend checking out ebay for some really cheap pieces and even entire army sets that people don't want anymore.
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